Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New Pictures Of The Boys

I realized yesterday while talking to ( actually she told me ,I didn't have to realize!) that I haven't posted new pictures of the boys in a while .

This is Connor's " leave me alone I'm watching Sid The Science Kid" smile. He doesn't look like a " little" boy anymore!

Noah sitting with Connor on the couch. Notice the look on Connor's face ...

Noah having floor time , otherwise known as " OWEN leave Noah alone!!!" time:-D
Also notice his " Wilkinson Eyebrows" !

Owen ( stinker) doesn't like to look at the camera right now... Sorry this is the best I could do!

All three of them watching PBS... even Owen will sit still for " Super Why". PRAISE GOD!!!


Bekah said...

Genetics are a funny thing...all three of your boys look like different people and none of them look like you!

I can't get over how big Connor is! Somehow seeing Noah and Owen isn't as shocking to me.

misslissa78 said...

If I didn't know where they all came from I would be worried!

Bekah said...

Daniel confessed today that he saw Noah for the first time in June and thought "Whoa!!! Grown up face on baby body...he looks just like Uncle Steve!" Apparently he had never seen a baby with such a strong resemblance to a grandparent before. Hahaha

Kelly Spezzano said...

Connor really is growing up too fast! It's amazing! And even Owie and Noah have changed in such a short amount of time! I love the smile on Noah's face!