Monday, August 11, 2008

The Boxcar Franklins

For a while now we have made the habit of reading to Connor and Own at night. They love it , and I think it is great for Connor's , sometimes overactive, imagination. Right now we are reading The Boxcar Children series that I had when I was growing up. He loves it and it brings back great memories of Mom reading the same books to us until we learned to read by ourselves. Last night we finished the first book and in the end of the last chapter there is a picture of the boxcar that Henry , Jessie , Violet and Benny have been living in . Most of you know that we live in a double wide right now so it's really wasn't such a stretch when Connor looks up at me and says " Hey we are the Boxcar Franklin's , we live in a boxcar! "The things that go through a child mind are amazing to me . Wouldn't you know he has had the best time this morning already playing boxcar children in his bedroom. Maybe we will be able to afford a house before he gets old enough to be mortified at our " Boxcar" :-D


Kelly Spezzano said...

:) Your son is BRILLIANT! I don't think ordinary 5 yr olds think like this! I can't wait to start reading books to Joshua. My mom used to read Mrs. Pigglewiggle and Amelia Bedelia books to me, and I plan on doing the same for Joshua!

misslissa78 said...

Try 4 1/2 ! I LOVE Amelia Bedelia, and Mrs. Pigglewiggle too . We are also ready Nancy Drew at lunch time, but Greg thinks I need to invest in some Hardy Boys :-)

Kelly Spezzano said...

I knew he wasn't quite 5 yet, but I couldn't remember exactly when his b-day was... :( (I am a terrible honorary Aunt) ):

I agree with Greg, I think every boy needs some Hardy Boys in his life! ;).

PS- call me when you have a chance... I am not sure what # to reach you on today!

Bekah said...

Haha...that kid is something else. Hopefully he's like I was and he won't notice that he is currently living in a "boxcar" until he is 9 or so and it's not what everyone else lives in. But then again, he's much more observant that I was at his age.

misslissa78 said...

I'm sure one day he will wake up and be humiliated at where we live. Oh well, it never killed me and it won't kill him. Maybe the Lord will bless us with more one day. If not , I'm just glad it's payed for:-)

JCrew Mama said...

This is Jason. Call me a dork, but the first book without pictures that I am reading to Joel right now is The Hobbit. Am I weird?

Bekah said...

Jason - yes you are weird. However, I will be "fall off my chair" impressed if your 5 year old follows you through that whole book. I couldn't get through the whole thing and remember what the heck was in the previous chapters until junior high.

Brittany said...

Wow...Plain and simple Connor is precious!

misslissa78 said...

Hey Ms B , Let me know when you are coming back this way. we will try to set something up with Kelly, Jim , Greg and Jessica!I hope it's soon :-)

Thank you for thinking he is precious! He can be a handful and every parent, I think, is scared spitless of their kids being the one nobody wants to see coming.