Monday, July 21, 2008

The Sock Monster

Why is it that no matter what I seem to do I NEVER have all of the socks at the end of laundry day?! I am convinced that there is a monster that lives in the closet that lives to steal my socks. Maybe Mom read " Boris and The Monsters" to us too much when we were kids but in my mind I see all those monsters sneaking out trying to find all of the " buddies" to my unpaired socks. One of theses days I'm going to search the closet just to make sure!


Kelly Spezzano said...

I very rarely wear socks now because of this very problem! It's open-toed sandals or barefoot for me!

Although, I must say since we got the stackable washer and dryer I lose less socks now (since nothing can fall behind the machines).

Bekah said...

I think it's Owen. "Where's Owie? Oh there he is, half hanging out of the dryer frantically grabbing socks to hide."

misslissa78 said...

Come to think of it , Owen LOVES the dryer! I have to chase him out of it all the time.I shall start checking his pockets immediatly!

Kelly Spezzano said...

Now that you say that, I remember you telling me of Owie's obsession with the laundry room... hmmm????